
Heat pump for air source

When it comes to keeping your home temperature under control, installing the heat pump can be one of the most important steps you need to take. More and more people are adopting this type of reform, adding not only value, but also convenience. If you are thinking of making a change, it is never too early to start looking for options.

Choose a company

You want to find a local company you can trust to take care of your heat pump installation. You can search online, make calls around town, or ask friends and neighbors who did the same job at home. Make sure you find a place with experience in this area and that understands the current weather conditions to which your home is exposed.

Schedule a work appointment

Usually, the first consultation is a consultation. They will have to enter your home to get an idea of how the heat pump installation will work, where everything will be in place and how long it will take. In addition, you will likely receive a provisional cost estimate for this update. Many companies offer meetings with potential customers for free.

This is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions you have. As there is more than one option regarding the equipment and also the installation process, take the time to discover as much information as possible. Later, when you make a decision, all of this information will help you choose wisely. Also ask about the cost comparison with each other, whether your garden will need to be dug or not or if you can escape any damage.

Make a decision

You must decide whether you want to continue with this. There are countless benefits to installing a heat pump, but you must weigh the costs and benefits when deciding what is best for you and your family. After making the decision, it is time to call the company to make an appointment. You may also need to decide what type of equipment will work best for your home.


Set a time for the heat pump installation to begin. If winter is fast approaching, it may be necessary to wait for the process to begin. If you are being proactive and thinking about it before the cold happens, you will have no trouble starting the process.

Make sure you find out which areas of the house or yard you need to keep clear and make sure that everyone in the house knows what is going on and when. This should keep everyone out of the work area and keep a lot of dirt and debris out of the house (if it is an excavation). In no time, your home will have received an update and a home with more air conditioning.


Another common problem with the heat pump that you may face is the accumulation of ice. This usually happens when there is accumulation of dirt in the filters and also in the evaporators. To solve this problem, you will simply have to clean or replace the dirty filters and also blow out any debris or dust from the evaporators. After that, the heat pump must defrost if it is in a defrost configuration, or you can also wait until the ice has completely drained out of the unit and restarted.