Mental Health

Online anxiety and depression treatment


The purpose of this article is to introduce you to an online treatment for anxiety and depression. This treatment had been used for about six months. The story will tell you how the treatment had affected me and what my opinion is about it.

Anxiety and depression

Anxiety is the feeling of fear as well as nervousness or worry. Depression is the feeling of being sad and/or pessimism. In order to have anxiety or depression, you must have a high level of anxiety or depression symptoms. However, not all anxiety and depression symptoms are the same.

Anxiety symptoms

The following are some common anxiety symptoms. People who have these symptoms will have anxiety.

• Feeling of shortness of breath

• Feeling of irregular heart rate

• Feeling of unreasonable fear

• Feeling of nausea

• Feeling of tightness in the throat area

• Feeling of wet palms

• Muscle tension

Depression symptoms

The following are some common depression symptoms. People who have these symptoms will have depression.

• Sleeplessness

• Fatigue

• Feeling of hopelessness

Problems Caused by Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety disorders are very serious problems that should not be taken lightly. There are a lot of people who get involved in alcohol and drug abuse or commit suicide due to anxiety disorders. There is a great deal of evidence that anxiety disorders are due to natural chemical imbalances in the brain.

Fear is a feeling of dread and imminent danger. Fear can be a natural fact of existence. Due to blind evolution, some animals will exhibit fear. Some animals will have the need to have a weapon to protect themselves. Some animals will need to have wings to fly to safety if faced with danger. But with so many species of animals having their own ways of living, it can be argued that fear is just another part of life.

With the development of civilization, the method of survival have evolved and the means of survival have become more professional. The need to grow food, maintain family, and get through a school age has become so important to the average citizen. Living a protected life sound a lot better and more feasible than being on the run looking for food and shelter. Fear and the need to fight become very relevant to those who want to survive and get through.

During our childhood years, we often develop habits that can be very handy but can also be used as torture to ourselves. There are many people who are very dominating and can be very territorial. This is a very negative trait and can make it hard to get along with others.

Many people will be pessimistic due to the fact that they had been wronged by others. Some people will want to seek vengeance, but they may not have the guts to do so. Some people will have done something to make them feel bad about themselves. They will then get depressed and feel like they need to escape the world. There are also people who do not want to be part of society and feel like they want to be on their own. They may also start to show an attitude of being a victim when they encounter conditions that are not to their liking.


Now that you have been introduced to some of the common anxiety and depression symptoms, you will have a better idea of how they effect the way that you live. You should also realize that both conditions are very serious and should be taken seriously. You can have either disorder or both disorders, or may not have any disorders at all. There are many ways for you to go about finding out what type of problem you may be having.